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Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL)
Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak, listen, view, visually represent, and think in order to communicate and contribute to Society.
-International Reading Association
The purpose of SRLC is: over the period of two years, advance literacy skills, including pre-literacy skills, reading and writing, with an emphasis on disadvantaged children, including children living in poverty, English learners, and children with disabilities.
SRCL Priorities:
Support the development of infrastructure to implement and sustain high quality, evidence based literacy practices in core instruction.
Develop high-quality professional development for implementing and sustaining the SRCL Grant.
Principles of Effective Practice
Defined and Measurable Goals
Evidence Based Practices
Data Driven Decision Making
Focus on Tier 1 Instruction to Accelerate the Learning for ALL students
Implementation of Instruction as intended
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
Aligned with MN Pre K-12 State and Local Academic Standards
Parent and Community Engagement
For more information on this grant, Click Here.
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